
20 October 2008 - On page 27 in the third paragraph it states, 'What you are actually looking at is the "C" Aeolian mode.' It actually indicates the 'A' Aeolian mode.

On page 28 the third diagram indicates "TWO STEPS" between the F and G# where it should indicate "ONE & ONE HALF STEP".

Also on page 28, the fourth diagram needs the F#. The interval is showing sharp but the not does not.

24 May 2007 - On page 21 the 4th is missing on the left-hand fretboard diagram on the 15th fret in pattern 2 of 5.

The bottom portion of the arrow does not extend to the end of the 4 of 5 scale form. I think we get the idea however. The diagram is merely illustrating that the forms fit together.

The second paragraph of section 4.2 on page 21 is not clear in which string and frets I am referencing. If you look at the root note on the sixth string 13th fret. The next root note is on the third string, 10th fret...

A special thank you to Erik Whiteman for finding these...

What are "Hot Revisions"? 18 May 2007 - "Hot Revisions" are available only through the BEAD Guitar(TM) Website. The ISBN version that is available through other retailers is an older revised version and does not contain all the corrections found in the errata. The reason I am doing it this way is so that I can make the most current revisions available on demand. As soon as a revision needs to be made, the changes can be immediately available to the public. It can take weeks before revisions make it to the marketplace and "Hot Revisions" are the most economical way for me to make them available. There is a hefty revision fee if the ISBN version is revised...

You may purchase the "HOT Revision" securely through Lulu.

The current Hot Revision addresses all the errata below...

Thank you for your interest in the BEAD Guitar(TM) Method!

Bob Dietz ?;O)

18 May 2007 - On page 24 my description of the mini-patterns leads to confusion. I am reading the diagrams from left to right so the order of strings described are not the actual string. The first paragraphs should read:

"In order to memorize the intervals we will break them down into three major scale mini-patterns. The first pattern will be played on the sixth and fifth string. The second pattern begins on the fourth string. The third pattern begins on the third string...

The second pattern is the same as the first but the starting note is on the fifth string. Memorize the first pattern and you know the second..."

A special thank you to Mike Alverd for finding this error.

12 March 2007 - There is an error on page 25 in section 4.3 where it says:

"The scales are played in the following sequence from the 6th fret to the 1st fret:"
It should say:

"The scales are played in the following sequence from the 6th string to the 1st string:"

A special thank you to Lorenzo Childress for finding this error.

18 February 2007 - I found three additional errors that were not fixed in the last revision as follows:

page 24 in the third paragraph it says, "Once you feel comfortable with the Major and Perfect intervals, practice flattening them to determine their Minor counterparts."

This statement is incorrect. Flatten the Major interval to find the Minor counterpart. A sharpened Perfect interval results in an Diminished sound. A flattened Perfect results in an Augmented sound.

On page 37 the fourth and fifth diagrams are labeled incorrectly. The fourth diagram is a Major 3rd. The fifth diagram is a Minor 3rd.

5 January 2007 - The current version (ISBN Version) is the revised version and the errors below have been corrected. Additionally, You may get the most current revision (HOT Revision) if you purchase securely through Lulu.

The HOT Revision is only available through Lulu and is the most current revision available.

is an error on page 2 of The BEAD Method(TM) of Fretboard Mastery. The
keyboard is labeled incorrectly. This is how the keyboard should appear.

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A special thank you to Gary Warner for finding this error.

There are some corrections on page 30.

On scale 1 of 5

See that natural minor is on the third string as indicated by the diagram in the
book... However, the note indicated on the 1st string is
incorrectly identified. The minor root note should be on the 2nd string 5th fret in the diagram.

2 of 5

See that natural minor is on the second string... However, the note on the 1st and 6th
string are incorrectly identified. The minor root note should be on the 2nd string only.

The diagrams do have error but the minor root note is correctly identified as explained in the
following paragraph in the book. You are following the root note accross the second and third frets in the diagram.

Confusing terms

In several places in the book, while discussing the relative minor, I have referred to it as being one and one half step up the neck.
This is confusing because it is actually moving down one and one half step. So, to say one is moving up toward the headstock is not musically correct. I will find a better way to communicate this concept in the second edition.

The word "Tablature" is misspelled as "Tableture" throughout the book.

On page 9... In the matrix for the flat keys... The B, E, A and D are missing the flat symbol.

Thanks to Kenny Howell for finding this error.

On page 86, the diagram for C Aeolian is in the key of Eb not C...